Ընտրեք ածականների ճիշտ տարբերակը։

My house is (bigger, the biggest) than yours.

This flower is (the most beautiful, more beautiful) than that one.

This is the (interesting, the most interesting) book I have ever read.

Non-smokers usually live (longer, the longest) than smokers.

Which is the (more dangerous, the most dangerous) animal in the world?

A holiday by the sea is (good, better, the best) than a holiday in the mountains.

It is strange but often a coke is (more expensive, the most expensive) than a beer.

Who is the (richer, the richest) woman on earth?

The weather this summer is even (bad, worse, the worst) than last summer.

He was the (cleverer, the cleverest) thief of all.

Գրեք ածականների համեմատության աստիճանները՝ վարժ. 1, վարժ. 2

Գրեք Հայաստանի ձեր սիրած վայրերից որևէ մեկի կամ մի քանիսի մասին։

David of Sasun, Yerevan


David of Sasun, Yerevan

In the center of the railway station square towers the monument to David of Sasun – the hero of Armenian folk epos who personified the freedom-loving nature of Armenians for centuries.

David is pictured sitting on his horse – Dzalali – “standing” on a huge basalt block. The dynamic figure of David shows bravery and readiness to fight an enemy.

Թողնել պատասխան

Ձեր էլ-փոստի հասցեն չի հրատարակվելու։ Պարտադիր դաշտերը նշված են *-ով